This new group focuses on learning practical and healthy ways to improve our minds, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle in general. We want to be active and healthy members of our family and community.

The purpose of this page is to share our action plans and also what we need for action items from our families. The health, well-being, and safety of our DUSD family of students, faculty, staff, and parents remain our highest priority.

On-Campus Learning Protocols: 

Hand Washing and Facility Cleaning

  • Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to wash their hands throughout the day, including upon arrival, before and after eating, after being outdoors, and before leaving school. Teachers will follow cleaning protocols in the classroom throughout the day.

Online Security with Social Networks

Technology has evolved tremendously in a short period of time. The internet and online world have changed how we interact with each other, how we talk to each other, and how we receive and put out information. Risks also come with the sensation of online connectivity. According to the FBI’s Counterintelligence division, cyber-security and awareness are necessary as online hackers, bullies, and criminals attempt to exploit Social Media. Social hackers exploit connections through social networks by manipulating people through social interactions to get what they want. Their tactics are often disguised as harmless and legitimate actions.

It is important for both adults and kids to understand the risks involved when participating in social networking and media. Some popular social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube. Many users do not understand the impact a posting can have on their privacy and the privacy of others in their network.

A diamond is forever…and so are your social network postings. Once information is posted to a social networking site, it is no longer private. The more information you post, the more vulnerable you may become. Check out the Settings for your Social Media Apps.

For additional help, the following organizations and websites detail how to protect you from social networking