My Child is Temporarily Disabled, How can the School Help?

Requirements & Procedures

A student with a temporary disability which makes school attendance impossible or inadvisable shall receive individual instruction in the student's home or in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding state hospitals. This instruction applies to students incurring a physical, mental, or emotional disability after which they can reasonably be expected to return to regular day classes or an alternative education program without special intervention.

A physician will need to complete verifying information, which must include the diagnosis and the length of time the student is expected to need Home and Hospital services for the current school year. Home and Hospital is a temporary placements.

A diagnosis involving an emotional disorder must be done by the treating psychiatrist and, in addition to the diagnosis and length of time, the request must also include:

A therapeutic treatment plan
A statement regarding how being in Home and Hospital will benefit the overall treatment of the student rather than making adjustments in the school program
An educational goal

Verification Procedure
The original request for Home and Hospital Instructional Services, and the doctor’s original diagnosis, etc., must be turned in to the Student Services Office at the Delhi Unified District Office.

A copy will then be given to the school nurse, who will verify that changes in the school environment cannot be made to accommodate the student. The school nurse may call the physician to verify the diagnosis and discuss alternate educational programs. The minimum time a student is expected to receive services is three weeks.

The school nurse will submit her findings and recommendations to the coordinator of the Home and Hospital program. If the request is approved, arrangements will be made for services to be provided. In most cases, this process takes approximately one week.

Learning Services
Home and Hospital services consist of one hour of teaching for each day school is in session. Students in year-round schools are placed on the same track in Home and Hospital that they were on when attending their home school.

A student completes most assignments independently. A parent or other responsible adult must be present in the home during the time the teacher is present.

Services can be terminated if the student or parent is uncooperative in meeting established learning goals.

A quiet place for the student and teacher to work must be provided.

Early Withdrawals
If a student wishes to return to school prior to the time originally approved for Home and Hospital services, a statement from the doctor must be presented to the Student Services office stating the date the student can return to school before the student can be released from the program.

If additional time for Home and Hospital services is required, a statement from the physician or psychiatrist must be presented to the Student Services office before the date services are to be discontinued. This statement must include the reason for the extension and the length of time requested.

The request for an extension will be reviewed similarly to the process for the initial request.